10 Camping Etiquette Tips: Advice for New Campers

HappilyEverHanks Camping Etiquette

Camping and RVing is one of the greatest pleasures! Going out and enjoying nature and all that it has to offer can make memories that will last a lifetime. Did you know there are rules when camping that are often unspoken or left off the guest guide you are given?  Let’s review the top etiquette rules to help you know before you go on your next big trip!

1. Quiet Hours

Many parks will tell you what the quiet hours are when you arrive, while others leave that off the list. Quiet hours are generally from 10 pm to 7 am. Respecting quiet hours is one of the best ways to ensure that you are not bothering other people who are also trying to have a great time. Just be aware of the noise level at your campsite during those hours and everyone will be grateful!

2. Avoid Cutting Through Campsites

It may look like the shortest or best way to travel, but cutting through other people’s campsites is indeed very disrespectful!  Using this as an example is a great way to help educate your children on how the campsite is each person’s space and show them how to be courteous of others.

3. Camping With Pets

HanksCamping Etiquette

We love taking our cat Dexter with us camping. Pets make this lifestyle so much better. As a part of camping etiquette, it is best to remember a few things. When taking your pet for a walk, have them on a leash and clean up after them. Be mindful of others as you consider allowing your pet to wander around your campsite off leash. It is best to have full control of your pet to avoid any issues that could arise. 

4. Campfire

One of the greatest parts of the camping adventure is the campfire!  Making smores or just sitting around the fire can be so enjoyable. Once you are finished with your fire, use water to put it out. Never leave an unattended fire. Be sure to check local rules on burn bans and follow them. Also, many areas do not allow you to bring in your own wood in order to protect the forests in that area.

5. Keep Your Campsite Clean

HappilyEverHanks camping

 As you walk around a campground you can see how everyone has a different set up. We all have different needs as well, but keeping our campsite tidy will help make the area look better. Keeping your area clean will also keep critters away.

6. Let the Wildlife Remain Wild

We really enjoy seeing all of the amazing animals that have ventured near us as we camp. Always be aware of what animals could be in the area you are camping in. Never leave out food that could attract them or feed them intentionally. Allowing wild animals to forage for themselves is best! You can always capture great pictures of the animal, but it is best to do it from a distance.

7. Bathrooms

HappilyEverHanks camping

We all have had to use the bathrooms at campgrounds. There are a few things to remember when using them. It is not ok to wash your dishes or clothes in the bathroom sink. You can check with the campground to see if there is a designated sink for other needs. Most people shower in their flip flops or shower shoes, but you can use a pet pad on the floor as you step out of the shower to dry your feet and help keep you safe from germs. Keep the bathroom clean by using waste receptacles and taking your items with you.

8. Allow Others Time To Set Up

We love running into friends and people who want to meet us! It is actually one of the reasons we love traveling. One great tip for everyone is to allow your neighbors and friends a chance to get set up before you come over to greet them. When people are distracted during setup, mistakes often happen!

9. Know The Campground Rules

It is best to take a few minutes to read over any material that the office gives you when you check into the campground. They may have rules that are not mentioned here and you want to be respectful of each establishment. Rules are generally made because there has been trouble in the past and it has nothing to do with you. Try your best to not take them personally. Each campground is doing the best they can to create a great experience for everyone who comes!

10. Leave It Better Than You Found It

We have all gotten to a campsite and thought, “Who was here?” We make sure that we clean up after ourselves before departing. Do a quick walkaround and check the site. You will not believe how many times we have almost left an item at the campsite but discovered it on our walkarounds. Do not use the fire ring as a trash can! Keep it clean for the next people who come to camp there. It is best to think of it like this-Leave No Trace! Make it look like you were never there!

Now that you have a great idea of how to make not only your trip great but all those around you, you can plan your next great adventure! We hope to see you along the way! Have a great time enjoying nature and all that it has to offer!!


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